Dr. Tim Jackson

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Dr. Tim Jackson, DPT received his undergraduate degree in Health science and chemistry from Wake Forest University in 2003. He completed his Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) from the Medical University of SC in 2009. He is educated in nutritional biochemistry, digestive health and its systemic effects, functional endocrinology, epigenetics, mold and Lyme disease, and auto-immune/neuro-immune disorders. Dr. Tim has been featured on The BulletProof Executive Podcast, Ben Greenfield’s Podcast, RobbWolf.com, The Huffington Post, as well as countless health and wellness summits. He is on the advisory board for Your 2nd Half, a Program that helps collegiate and professional athletes transition from athletics into other careers, and The Medical Advisory Board for GreenSmoothieGirl.com, a site with several million visitors per year. He can be reached at healyourbody.org.


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