Sandra K. Jones-Keller

With Sandra K. Jones-Keller

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And she’s sharing with you today how you can beat the odds too:

  • The keys to tapping into your intuition
  • Everyone can learn to listen to the whispers of your body: here’s how!
  • Why creating a partnership with your body will set you on the path to freedom

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About Sandra K. Jones-Keller

Sandra Jones-Keller is a certified Essene Energy Healer, Intuitive Pregnancy Coach and the author of three books Intuitive Communication With Your Baby’s Soul, 21 Lessons To Empower The New Age Kid and How I Beat Fibroid Tumors for a Successful Pregnancy Over 40. She was 41 years old when she became pregnant with her daughter and discovered that she had a grapefruit sized fibroid tumor at the base of her uterus on her first visit to the doctor to confirm her pregnancy. The doctors were amazed that she was even pregnant given the size and location of her fibroids. Sandra dug deep into her spiritual tool box to beat the odds of the dire predictions she received to have a healthy and successful pregnancy.